Our Story
Hi, I'm Rod, cofounder of BlenditUp. Our company story began in 1998 when my brother and I were selling Vitamix blenders at a home show in Pocatello, Idaho. One night we watched a nice family struggle to duplicate the recipes they had just seen us make hours earlier at our live demonstration.
At the show we made it look so fast, easy, and healthy. And it is, if you have the right ingredients. After selling them their first ever Vitamix blender, we sent them home unprepared.
Later that night we witnessed their first-blend experience because they were nice enough to invite us over for dinner. This was unusual, a first actually (we don't typically go home with customers haha!), but it gave us incredible insight into that first-blend experience.
We left that night feeling down. Like we had let them down. How could we prevent this from happening again? How can we help people blend with absolute confidence?
BlenditUp was born to empower people to create nourishing, complete meals, and to blend it right, every time. Created to be blended yet designed for versatility, our products will have you blending, shaking and creating with absolute confidence.
- Rod Stuart